website is designed to help you prepare for your surgery. If you have
any questions, please feel free to call us at (863)471-0786. Se habla
AHCA has provided you with a wonderful website to compare pricing….
Facility Info
The Surgery and Endoscopy Center is a state-of-the-art ambulatory surgery center where surgeons perform a broad range of outpatient procedures. Our center offers a safe and convenient high quality alternative.
- Fully licensed by both the State of Florida and the Federal Medicare program, The Surgery and Endoscopy serves Highlands and adjacent counties.
Official Notices
This Facility has no financial assistance policy. Please note, that in addition to facility charges, you may also receive additional billing for physicians, Anesthesiologist, and/or laboratory fees. Patients and prospective patients may request from the Facility and their Health Care Providers a more personalized estimate of charges along with other information. Copays and Coinsurance are due on day of service. Contact your Health Care Practioner.
Contact us
The Surgery and Endoscopy Center
3201 Physicians Way
Sebring, Florida 33870
Telephone: 863-471-0786
FAX: 863-471-6834
E-mail: info@surgeryandendoscopycenter.com